通篇中文翻譯流暢,而且轉折語也翻得達意。Good job!
Subject: Google Online Crusade
Google Inc is trying to expand the newspaper section of its online library to include billions of articles published during the past 244 years, hoping the added attraction will lure even more traffic to its leading Internet search engine.The project announced on Monday extends Google’s crusade to make digital copies of content created before the Internet’s advent, so the information can become more accessible and, ultimately, Google can make more money from ads shown on its Web site.
http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/worldbiz/archives/ 2008/09/10 /2003422772
Googl 公司正試著擴充線上資料庫中的新聞時事區塊以容納過去244年來上億的以出版文章,希望這新增加的吸引力能誘使更多點擊流量至其搜尋引擎。這項新產品已經在週一公布並導致Google的改革使網路問事前完成的文章有了電子備份,因此一來資訊能更容易尋找,最後,Google可以從它網站上的這項新功能賺進更多錢。