

Describe a "good person." Write an essay in which you illustrate what it means to be a "good person," either by identifying and expalining the qualities it takes to be a good person or by identifying someone you know who is one.



1. 主旨句:我最要好的朋友Sunny 是個很棒的人。

2. 細節發展:先列出Sunny的人格特質,接著依序說明這些特質。
 (1) 幽默:有她在我不會無聊,他總有許多有趣的故事讓我開心。
 (2) 體貼:他能為人著想,會留意我心情上的變化,隨時準備好給我安慰和協助。有一次....
 (3) 樂觀:無論發生什麼事,他臉上總是保持燦爛的笑容,永遠看到人生的光明面。

3. 結論句: Sunny 是我學習的榜樣


好作文: 五分作文

121  Li-Ying Chen:  


     I am not a person with positive character and much self-confidence, so I always look for someone with distinctive personal traits. More than the common traits we think of a good person, there is another definition to me: be truth to yourself and hold on your faith.

     I want to tell you a person I've seen the closest to the description of a good person. She is a girl who always looks on the bright side of life, speaking in a straightforward way, and never forgot her friends around her. In the third grade of junior, one of the toughest time in the years I've pasted, was a period with nothing more than a mass of pressure. In that situation, I got angry easily. But my friend, she never did the same thing. Every time I felt anxious, she clapped my shoulder and laughed. The way her laugh always made me fell better. It was a clear laugh with something encouraged people in it. What's more, she was a kind of friend that you don't need to hide your heart when you faced her. I could say everything to her without thinking twice, she wouldn't get angry or annoying with anything I say.

     And the most important part is, she never suspended herself. She always spoke loudly and confidently. Although she wasn't a strong girl, her heart was strong, and so was her belief. Therefore, I didn't see her in a bad emotion. Black clouds were always far away from her. This is the part I respect her most. Sometimes I felt low, getting hatred to myself, I would dart my sight to her. The scene would be she raised her head and looked straight to the front. It was very divine, I thought. And my feelings would be better, instilled fuels, and got the energy to face the next mission.

     She is a good person that I like most, but I don't think I can be same as she. The only thing that I can do is to learn some traits from her, and do my best to make me be a good person I like: be truth to myself and hold on my faith. 

121 Chu, An-chi


     When it comes to define a good person,we often come up wth certain ideas, such as generosity, kindness, humor and friendliness. Indeed, possessing these traits can make a person nice and welcome. It's because of the comncept- being easy to get along with. And among these characteristics, I believe generosity and deing kind-hearted is the most important.

     Bill Gates is the one who I've always admired. I adore him, not because of his amazing ability of programming, but his strong sense of responsibility. How can we not admit one's open-handed when he donated half of his property without second thought to help those in need. Bill and Melinda's foundation keeps care about the world's problems. Apart from his generosity, Bill is a very polite person as well. Although he's reached the high posoion as a CEO and chief software architect, he never shows slight pride to anyone. Instead, he treats people sincerely. Also, Mr.Gates concerns about teenager's education very much. In Bill Gates' Book for high school and college graduates, he taught them 11 ruls, which repersents being polite, grateful and humble, as well as always working hard rather than complainging all the time. He wants to deliver his valuable life experinences to the young generation.

     A good person is not someone that has uncomparable wealth or someone that has overwhelming powers. A high status symbolizes nothing; however, kindness does. A good person is the one that treats people truely and cares for others' happiness instead of his own life. A good person shows great spirits of human beings. Thus, people cannot but respect them because of their unselfishness. 

Yu-Jie Liao


     Seeing hundreds and thousands of people in our lives, we may meet different kinds of people having various personalities. We may sort them into some categories in mind, and some of them may be defined as good people. There are diverse definitions to a good person. Some may say that a good person should be good-tempered, and others say he or she should be smart, and still others may claim that it is generous that a good one should be.

     I know a person who I view as a really good person. He is my classmate in junior high school. He owes lots of good personalities that I admire so much. However, in the very beginning, I didn't really appreciate him at all. He was not an obedient student. Sometime, he even slipped the class. In my own categorizing list, he was absolutly fell into a hoodlum class. Nevertheless, I have once saw him helping an elder crossing the street. I was quite a bit shocked. I had looked opon him as a bad student for a long time, but what I saw was not fit his image that I thought. I felt so regreted for him.

     And then, after a few weeks, our class changed seats. Coincidentally, I was arranged to sit beside him. It was the first time for me to had chances to talk to him. To my surprise, he was a talktive man who was easy to be with. And I found that I loved to chat with him due to his humorous character. I also found his tender mind beneath his fierce apperance. He would always concern friends and gave them a helping hand while they needed most.

     Through this period sitting with him, I discovered that he is now classified as a nice man. And I also realized that it isn't a good way to define a person before you really know him or her. One you think wicked may become an angel after you make friend with him or her.

122: Ou, Ting-tsan 


     To be a good person has nothing to with one’s achievements or property, but his/her personality traits. Everybody likes the people who are easy to get along with, moreover, who is always kind and polite to others. Besides, the most important is that they respect other people. I think all above are traits that a good person would possess.
     Serena was one of my friends whom I met during my senior high life. At first, I only thought that she was an easygoing girl, and, it was true, too. Later on, as we got more and more familiar, I gradually found out her traits. She was just the one that possesses the characteristics I think a good person would have: kind, polite, easygoing, and being respective to others. She acted so with her true hear, and people could also feel it. Naturally, it was convinced that many people like to be with her. Maybe she did not do very well on her studies, but it was not that important in social interactions. To be a good person whom people like needs something more profound, not that so skin-deep.
     I have learned a lot from Serena, and thus I found that I have some traits of a good person, too. Actually, I think everyone has them as well naturally, and all we have to do is develop them. Is it too hard to figure out? Here are some tips I have summarized: the first, break down the irony way when talking with others. On the other hand, respect others. Second, place yourself in others' position. Don’t just think of “I, I, and I …” . Instead, listen to others more often. Being in their shoes and taking them seriously would make you realize why they act so and how they feel. Then you may know how to make them feel good. And don’t forget the most important thing, doing all above with a true heart. Otherwise, it would be nonsense if your kindness and politeness are fake because people can recognize out. It is quite not difficult to be a nice guy, isn't it? By doing so, I am sure that everybody would be a good person!


Good Person 範例一

第二段:說明Mrs. Wu 與 my mom, 代名詞不清楚,因此容易誤導讀者。且特點散亂,沒有清楚條理。

There are some characteristics a good person may possess. He may have a optmistic attitude toward lifes, being nice and friendly to everyone,or having a high educational background,a wealth family. Everyone has different views toward the good person,.but the person I talk about who should be yours, too.

She is the good person I forevever take as a model. Mrs.Wu is a resbonsible nurse in the hospital, always taking care of patients patiently and carefully as her own family. She is the most diligent student in her class.Submitting essays on time,she always make the richest content in the class. My mom is the greatest Mother in the whole world.She loved her family far more than loving herself,

I would take her as my teacher, my friend, the greatest person in my life.

Good Person 範例二


When asked what it takes to be a good person, my answer would be as follows: First, a good person should have a good appearance. A good appearance doesn't refer to be beautiful or to be handsome. It refers to a feeling that when we see him / her at first sight, you will want to approach him / her. Second, a good person should be wise and humorous. When we confront difficulties, a good person who is wise and humorous can give you good advice and help you through in an easy and relaxing way. Last, a good person should be tolerant.They can endure every bad things and forgive others easily so that they can keep themselves in a good mood and situation.
Those are what it takes to be a good person to me.

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