提示:Think about what it is like being a teenager. How is being a teenager different from being a young child? Write an essay comparing and contrasting life as a teenager and life as a young child. Make sure you include several ways that the two stages in life are similar and several ways that they are different. Give examples from your own experiences to support your points.
Looking back on the three years I spent in high school, I regard it as my happiest years and the turning point which makes me grow from a child to a more mature girl. Comparing to my childhood, my teenage life in high school is a prime time in which I learned more, had more friends, and became wiser. (這裡就是下伏筆,也是就是點明接下段落所要講的重點)
第二段:(說明為何 learned more, had more friends) 以往在小學時候,花很多時間打混玩遊戲。可是上了中學後,學到閱讀的樂趣,拓展視野。同時也加入社團,結交好友,因此視野與想法都拓展很多。
第三段:(說明為何 became wiser) 同時也因為中學遇到更多的挑戰,以及挫折經驗。(舉例)讓我知道不可太驕傲,但從中學習後,我也成長許多。