Write an essay about the career that you plan to pursue when you are an adult. Include information such as the preparation or training that you would need to achieve this career, and how it will affect your life and the lives of those around you. Explain the responsibilities of your work and why this career is the ideal one for you. 寫一篇英文短文說明你的志願,包括未來想從事的行業是什麼?是什麼原因促使你做出這種選擇?你打算作何種準備來達成你的目標?
1. 你未來的想作的行業是什麼?
2. 為了成為這種職業人才,你需要哪種訓練?作哪些準備?
3. 它會如何影響你的周遭生活?
4. 這樣的職業需要哪些的工作內容?需要哪些特質?說明所需負責包含哪些?
5. 為何他是你的理想目標?
1. strengthen one's ambition 確定某人的志願
2. work as.... 做...的工作
3. (人) realize/fulfill one's dream (以人為主詞)實現某人的夢想。
4. (事物)come true (以事物為主詞)實現
5. set one's heart on V-ing 立志做...
範例 (參見寫作範例100, 郭慧敏著)
1. 主旨句:我的未來志願就是成為一位成功的口譯員。 "I have long hoped to become an interpreter."
2. 細節發展:先說明為何有這樣的志願,接著在說明自己應如何努力以達成志願。
(1) 原因:我一直都很喜歡學語言,因為我認為學習語言背後的文化事件有趣的是。對我來說,當口譯員可以讓我幫助不同文化背景的人相互溝通。
(2) 努力的方向:
A. 首先我更該要精通中文和英文,也許還要精通第二外語。我必須精通每一種語言的各種領域,包括聽說讀寫。如此,我才能正卻且流利的翻譯。
B. 另外,我必須要廣泛閱讀並吸收各種不同的資訊,如此一來才能快速的瞭解口譯素材的基本內容。
3. 結論句:藉由達成上述的努力方向,我有把握總有一天我會成為口譯員。
My abmition for the future is to become a successful interpreter. I have always liked learning languages because I think ti is interesting to learn about the cultures behind the languages. For me, being an interpreter would enable me to help people from different cultures communitcate with each other.
to make my dream come true, I first need to have a good command of English, Chinese, and perhaps even another foreign language. I must master every area of these languages, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. That way, I will be able to translate correctly and fluently from one language to another. Second, I must read extensively and absorb all kinds of information so that I will be able to quickly understand the basic background of whatever I am interpreting.
I am confident that by doing thest things I will be able to attain my goal of becoming an interpreter one day.
範文II:(參見效率英文寫作, P75, 空中美語編著)
I have long hoped to become an engineer. When I was small, I liked to play with toy cars, toy trains, and building blocks. When my toy train started moving after I put in its batteries or when I finished building a house or a castle in strange and amazing shapes, I felt very happy and had a great sense of achievement. It was then that I became interested in machinery and architecture.
Later, after entering high school, I did very well in scinece. Thise further strengthened my ambition to study engineering in college. The final reason for my ambition is that in this age of information, an engineer plays an important and indispensable role. I want to become a successful engineer and devote myself to making people's lives better, safer, and more conveninet. I am firmly convinced that if I continue to work hard, I will realize my dream some day.