Dear all,

1. 你必須在事情變糟以前讓他改變心意。
You must get him to change his mind before things get worse.
You must make him change his mind before things get worse.
2. Sophie 已經讓她女兒幫客人舖好了床。
Sophie has had her daughter make up a bed for the guest.
3. Ted讓Kate自己向經理(manager)報告這件事。
Ted has Kate report the matter to the manager by herself.
4. Julie上班快要遲到了,但她還是沒辦法讓她的車發動(start)。
Julie is almost late for work, but she couldn’t get her car started.
5. 他們要讓Steven談談自己的工作,但Steven不願意。
They would like to get Steven to talk about his own work, but he wouldn’t.
They would like to have Steven talk about his own work, but he wouldn’t.
6. Tom的老闆讓Tom為他自己沒做的事情道歉。
Tom’s boss had him apologize for something he didn’t do himself.
Tom’s boss made him apologize for something he didn’t do himself.
7. Lily讓這些孩子說一個關於這幅圖畫的故事。
Lily got these children to tell a story about this picture.
Lily had/make/let these children tell a story about this picture.
8. 我媽媽把鼻子穿洞(pierced)已經好幾年了。
My mom has had her nose pierced for ages.
9. 她從早上一直工作到晚上,終於把事情完成了。
She worked from the morning till late at night and finally got things done.
10. 他丟一根骨頭給這隻狗咬讓它停止吠叫(bark)。
He got the dog to stop barking by throwing a bone for him to bite.
He made the dog stop barking by throwing a bone for him to bit.
11. 她通常一年把頭髮燙(perm)三次。
She usually gets her hair permed three times a year.
12. Amelia讓她的兒子拿(serve)飲料給客人。
Amelia had her son serve the drinks for the guests.
Amelia made her son serve the drinks for the guests.
13. 她會打電話給爸爸讓他知道Tony已經到了。
She will call Dad to have him informed of Tony’s arrival.
She will call Dad to let him know that Tony has arrived.
14. 你應該讓他在天黑以前就來修(fix)好電視。
You should have got him to come and fix it before the evening.
You should make him fix the TV before it is getting dark.
15. Peter希望這樣做不會讓她心碎。
Peter hopes that the way he did wouldn’t get her heart broken.
16. 牙醫讓她把嘴巴張開給他看牙齒。
The dentist has her open the mouth to show him the teeth.
17. 在她16歲時,他們把她嫁給一個住在南部的親戚。
At sixteen they had her married to a cousin who lived about a mile away.
18. 因為他在獄中(in jail)表現良好(behave well),Pilate讓他早點被釋放(release)。
Pilate had him released earlier because he behaved well in jail.
19. 在開始說故事前,她讓孩子們把眼睛閉上。
She got their eyes closed before she started to tell the story.
She let the children close their eyes before she started to tell the story.
20. 這套衣服太大,他早應該把它改了。
This suit of clothes is too big. He should have had it altered.