
In news from the U.S. First lady Laura Bush shared some tips with Michelle Obama on how to survive in the White House -- particularly with young daughters -- and gave her successor a tour of the mansion that will soon become her home. Less than one week after Barack Obama won a historic election to succeed President George W. Bush on Jan. 20, the Obamas paid a visit to the White House. After the two couples greeted with kisses and handshakes at the executive mansion's South Portico, they went briefly inside for a look around together before heading off in opposite directions.
     Obama stepped into the Oval Office, ushered in by Bush. He later described the center of American power as "a really nice office." Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters on a flight from Washington to Chicago , he said, "It was a bit of a momentous day. I don't know that I would characterize him awe struck." While their husbands sat down in the Oval Office, Mrs. Bush took Mrs. Obama on a tour of the first family residence on the second and third levels of the mansion. They visited every room, said Mrs. Bush's spokeswoman, Sally McDonough. She said the women, who were meeting each other for the first time, spent time in the rooms that would likely become the bedrooms of the younger Obamas: 10-year-old Malia and 7-year-old Sasha.


ICRT News 2008/11/11




112 德媛

美 國第一 夫人Laura Bush 分享一些如何在白宮裡生存,特別是(帶著?)與兩個小女生的小撇步給Michelle Obama, 也同時給她的接班人一個官邸之旅。



美 國第一 夫人羅拉布希透露, 她和蜜雪兒歐巴馬分享了一些在白宮生存的小秘訣尤其是和兩個小女兒的生存方式,也替她的接班人在這即將成為她家的官邸來了趟導覽。


112 佳家

日前歐巴馬在這場歷史性的選舉中獲得勝利,並即將在 一月二十日 從布希手中接下總統的重擔。勝選後不到一星期,歐巴馬一家人一起參觀了白宮。


112 勝淋



111 聿婕




l          兩家人一同概略地四處走走,儘管其後他們將成為互相阻撓的反對黨。

l          他們兩家人稍微進去看了一看,在相互挽留彼此之前。

l          在他們前往不同的未來前,他們便一起簡短地參觀了一下。

l          他們在開始進行一些相歧的施政方向前,短暫的進入裡間看了一趟。

l          他們在意見相歧之前簡略地進入狀態。

l          在他們簡短的參觀之前,他們朝著對方並教導。

l          他們一起進行了對內部簡潔短暫的環顧,直到被相反地行徑岔路所阻止。

112 子琦


來自美國的新聞。第一夫人Laura Bush Michelle Obama 分享一些如何在白宮生活的小秘訣尤其對於還年幼的女兒們並引領他的繼任者參觀即將成為她家的官邸。在一月二十號Barach Obama成功打敗(繼任?)總統,贏得一場歷史性的選舉後,不到一星期,Obama 一家人參訪了白宮。在這兩隊夫妻互相在行政部門的官邸南方的廊柱上以親吻和握手打過招呼後,在分頭往不同方信之前,一起往內走作短暫地參觀。


111 鈺婷、珮瑜、元蓉


111 詔嵐

來自美國的消息,第一夫人蘿啦布希巷蜜雪兒歐巴馬分享一些在白宮生活的秘訣尤其是帶著兩個年紀還小的女兒然後帶著她的繼任者參觀即將成為其新家的官邸。在歐巴馬贏得歷史性的大選,並將在 一月二十日 繼任喬治布希成為下一任總統,不到一週內,歐巴馬一家人就參觀了白宮。在這兩對夫妻以親吻和握手的方式在行政廳的南門廊打過招呼後,他們便一起進入,短暫的四處看看,然後分別前往不同的方向去參觀。


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