這兩週我們都在寫新的主題 "You are the Teacher", 要大家試想早上一起床自己變成老師的一天,你發生了什麼、經歷什麼、學到什麼。

112 黃瑀桑
This morning, when I wake up, I find something strange. Things are like usual, the sky is blue, and the wind blows lightly. But the reflection in the mirror is not me; I become my teacher, Mrs. Wang! I think it is interesting. With a smile on my face, I go to school on my foot. I can’t wait for everything that might happen today.
At first, I go into an office, where some teachers are already inside. They are talking about bad students in their classes. I don’t agree with them because I always do those things when I was a student, like chatting in class, not paying attention what the teacher says and so on. Even I don’t think they are right, I just listen and keep in silent. Suddenly, the school bell ring, and I find that I have to go to the class. It time to face students in my class While I am on the way to the classroom, I feel a little excited and nervous. Then, I go into the classroom, stand in front of these students. Next, I start my teaching which is the first time in my life. Sadly, I find that there are few people listen to me. They just focus on other things that have nothing to do with my class. I feel disappointed about this, so I ask them to concentrate on what I say. I think being a teacher is not so interesting like I image. Finally, they pay attention to me, and ask me some questions about the paragraph in the textbook. To my embarrassed, I don’t know the actually answer to most of them. I have no choice but to tell the students that I will check the answer for them. And there are similar situations in the following classes.
After school, I realize that I still have many things to do, like looking for the answer to those questions students asked me. Although it is time to relax, I can’t really have a rest. Now, I understand that being a teacher is not as easy as I ever thought. I don’t want to be a teacher anymore.
1. 基本上,說故事多用過去式 or 過去完成式。瑀桑這篇的時態應以過去式描述當天起床後的發現,以及隨後發生的種種事情。如此,活用兩種過去式的動詞變化,整體故事發展邏輯才通順。
2. 故事結構完整! 第一段引言完畢後,隨即進入重點。第二段、第三段,描述自己遇到的所見所聞、自己的心情轉變,當老師的優點缺點,都鉅細靡遺的寫出來,細節完整。
3. 結論清楚,且原因理由充分。
4. 雖有小錯,但通篇而論是結構完整,細節充分,結尾也有點小幽默的好文,能引起讀者共鳴。
112 彭千窈
It was a beautiful day. The sky was bright, and it was not too hot. I thought that everything will be great when I woke up this morning. Suddenly, I felt something strange happened to me. I became my homeroom teacher, Mrs. Lin! What should I do? Do I need to go to school and teach my classmates? I am so worried that I am almost late for school.
On the way to school, I recall what we have done in Mrs. Lin's class. Most time we keep chatting with friends after the bell rings. Some people seem to be quiet. Actually, they read novels and comic books stealthily. The others don't talk or read but lie prone on their table and sleep. Those are what we will do in the class.
Few minutes later, I arrive the classroom, and I become very nervous. Then I open the door. Needless to say, it is noisy in the classroom. Even I ask them to be quiet, they still keep talking with each other. Standing on the stage, I suddenly realize that the students don't care whether it is in class or not. And they definitely don't treat me with respect.
Just one lesson that makes me start to know what Mrs. Lin thought about the students. If she was too gentle, the students would treat her as nothing. If she was angry with them, they would think she was too strict. It is difficult to decide whether a teacher should treat the students well or not.
After this strange experience, I know how much effort the teachers have made to teach us. Though I only teach for one day, I still feel very exhausted. It makes me realize that being a teacher is a tiring job. And it teaches me that I shouldn't ignore the teachers when they are talking. That makes teachers feel depressed.
Being a one-day teacher might be a special experience in me. Because of the experience, I will be more willing to listen to what the teachers are teaching. I'll try to treat them with respect instead of ignoring them. In the end, I wish I could change back to my previous self!
1. 說故事的時態,用過去式 or 過去完成式。這個才能夠有邏輯的說明你的前後故事發展。
2. 千窈的優點也是在中間的發展段落,很詳細的寫下自己的所見所聞,以及心理感受。因為具體,所以感覺細節充分。
3. 可以加入"第二天又變回成原來的自己"的說明,因此與第三段的結合,會更有說服力。
112 曹惟理
It is the most unusual day in my life. I am pretty sure for that. Did someone want to know the reason? Would anyone found himself become his or her math teacher while brushing his teeth in the usual day? Thank goodness that I live alone or I would surely scare my parents. I quickly call the math teacher called Mike, the one I had became and ask if he had become me either. Dear ladies and gentlemen, the answer is--- YES! The reality is driving us crazy but there is no time for us to be in a great bustle. We have to make an integral plan to brace for the difficulties until everything return normal.
First, we exchanged our schedules. I thought it wouldn't be so difficult, after all, I am pretty good at math. It is just a piece of cake to show other students the processes of solving math problems. But, according to Murphy’s Law: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. There is a volleyball contest between students and teachers that day. My teachers are all specialists in volleyball, especially Mike. All my classmates except for me have been looking forward to this day since several weeks ago because I hate all kinds of sports. When your PE has been flunked for three continuous semesters, it would be incredibly hard for you to like sport. Fortunately, this is the only event that troubled me. The things I had asked my teacher to do were simple: went to all the classes on time, woke Billy up by hit him hard after class. Even a child can finish these things easily.
The second part is more difficult for my teacher: To act like me. The only thing I could tell him is to be quiet and ignore anyone who try to talk to me except for my crush. If he went against the rule, "he" would promise to treat the whole class a meal. He didn't need to worry about me because I could act like almost whoever I know whenever I want.
It was really a tough day which almost drove me mad. I tried to act like my teacher in front of his co-workers and my classmates. It wasn't until that day did I realize the difference between performing and teaching. I had to consider all the classmates reaction instead of just keep speaking. The volleyball game was a true night mare that I wished it had never happened. I was supposed to hit the ball rather than been beaten by the ball. But I tried my best, and my team mates had played so well that we still won. I tried to do all the things just as my teacher in my memory. The hardships I had suffered so unbelievable. So I felt relief when I found I became myself again next morning.
We always try to become somebody or being jealous at what others has possessed. I was the one of these kind of people. The most valuable lesson I had got this day is: being yourself is always the best policy.
1. 惟理也是時態的問題,要注意。
2. 此故事的優點是前後的故事變化完整,除了自己跟老師交換身分,結尾也清楚說明隔天換回來了,回到自己。
3. 第二與第三段的發展段落,將自己的感受清楚表達。而且也說明遇到的困難。因此很生動。
4. 結論簡潔有力,雖通篇有小錯,但不失為佳文。