這次是大家寫作的第二篇文章, 兩班評分之後, 有兩位高手得到六分的好分數唷。



111 雨蕎
Hearing my mom was calling my name and knocking on my door, I opened my eyes. It was sunshiny outside.But why was the sunshine so big? Wasn't it six o’ clock?
Then I saw the clock on the wall saying that it was seven. I suddenly noticed that I would be late for school. I jumped out of my bed and rushed into the bathroom to clean myself. As I was stepping out of my house with my schoolbag , my mom asked me why I was so hurried to go out with my schoolbag. I felt confused and told her I would be late for school. My mom said that I had already graduated and that day was my first day to work in kindergarten. I just needed to arrive at kindergarten by nine o’clock. I was astonished and filled with confusion but my mom was so serious that I didn't ask more. Then my parents drove me to the kindergarten.
When I got out of the car, many little children said hello and waved their hands to me. I realized that they were my students. Then I took them in to the classroom and started my first day of being teacher. At first, I should make them eat breakfast. Some children were so picky about the food that they cried and yelled that they didn’t want to eat. I told them it was important to eat breakfast. If they didn’t eat, they wouldn’t have the energy to enjoy many interesting activities we would have next. I fed them one by one with patience. It did cost a lot of time because they struggled to open their mouth.
After breakfast, it was time to have a painting class. I divided them into 3 teams, and gave each team crayons and a big paper. Each team should think a story and draw it out together. Some of them had great imagination and made up some cute stories. Some of them had different ideas and even had some arguments. They shouted and hit each other instead of communicating. It was so annoying, but I was responsible for teaching them how to deal with this kind of situation. I seriously told them they had to work together and gather their thoughts so that their good ideas could all be shown on the paper. Fighting was not the way to solve problems. I felt so happy that they could understand what I had said and they all did well on their works in the end.
It was the lunch time and as I was worried about what the lunch was, I smelled something just like fried chicken. Actually, it really was fried chicken. It was so great because the children wouldn’t be picky about it. They would eat by themselves and I didn’t have to force them.
After that, it was their time to take a nap and after that, they would be taken away by their parents because they only had to study half day on Wednesday. My work would be finished soon! All things were so perfect until there was a stinky smell coming out.I tried to find where the stinky smell came from. Then, I found it came from a little child. He pooed without telling me before. I took him to the bathroom and made him take a bath. He felt so embarrassed and sobbed. I told him that it was OK and just remembered to told me he wanted to poo before he did it. I comforted him and gave him a candy. He was such a considerate child that he helped me wash his sleeping bag.
Finally, it was time for them to go home. I brought them to the entrance of kindergarten and said goodbye. They also said goodbye to me and gave me big smiles.
After a day of being a teacher, I found out that it was so tired to take care of little children because they were so easy to be out of control. It needed so much patience to teach them because they were not irrational sometimes. But if you saw the smile appearing on their face, you would forget all the tiredness. It was a nice experience I had ever had.
[Sunny 評語]