在本篇文章中,詩綺老師要介紹大考、多益雙贏秘笈的第八式「曉以厲害」,也就是英文學習策略裡懂得「比較與對比」的能力,亦即英文的“Comparing andContrasting"。在日常生活中,我們常常利用此能力來思考問題、做決定。以高中生而言,要選哪個社團、選擇哪個類組就讀、大學甄選要選填哪個科系等等,皆要用到比較與對比的思想做出判斷。
‧ 比較型的文章:強調相同處(Similarities)或異同兩者(Similarities and differences)的比較。
‧ 對比型的文章:強調的是差異性(differences)。
常見的比較與對比的文章架構圖則有兩種,例如討論家庭教育與學校教育兩者的異同, 則可利用比較表(Chart) 或是文氏圖(Venn Diagram)分類討論。
1. as adj (+N) + as(和…一樣):
例:He is as great an inventor as Edison.
2. not so + adj + as(不如):
The city is not so prosperous as it used to be.
3. more + adj + than(比…更):
The apple is much tastier than the other one.
4. ...while/whereas...(然而…):
Some countries are rich, while some are poor.
5. differentiate...from...(使…與…不同):
The ability to speak differentiates humans from other animals.
6. ...is similar to...(與…相似):
This small gadget is very similar to iPad.
(這個小工具和iPad 很相似。)
7. contrary to...(與…相反):
Contrary to public perception, we were under no pressure with respect to it.
在多益測驗與學測的考題中,“comparing and contrasting"的閱讀技巧最容易出現在多益的第四大題「句子填空」、第五大題「短文填空」,以及學測第二大題「綜合測驗」。主要是考驗考生是否能夠藉由上下文脈絡,推斷文章走向的邏輯為何。以多益「句子填空」考題為例,以下句子就是需要考生讀懂前後主題相異的典型考法:
In order to make room for new inventory, stores that ____ would not offer promotional discounts might advertise a limited-time sale.
(A) solely (B) further (C) otherwise (D) fully
此句指「為了騰出放新貨的空間, 即使是不做促銷活動的店家,也會可能會推出限時特價。」以otherwise表達「用不同方法、在其他方面」,表示與前面內容不同的方式,故答案為(C)。(來源:TOEIC Official Test-Preparation Guide, Book 1, Test 2, Q138)
Much like the dove and robin, the bluebird is considered a very lucky sign in most cultures, particularly when seen in the spring. __21__, a woodpecker, when seen near the home, is regarded as a good sign. In contrast, the peacock is not __22__ seen as lucky. In places like India, the peacock is considered lucky because the great many “eyes" on its feathers are said to alert it to __23__(approaching) evil. Peacocks are also highly valued in China and Japan, where they are kept as symbols by the ruling families to __24__ (represent) their status and wealth. However, the peacock receives only scorn from the rest of the world. The feathers of peacocks are considered the most __25__ part of the bird because the eye-shaped markings on them are associated with “evil eyes." To bring the evil eye into the home is thus believed to invite trouble and sorrow.
21. (A) Therefore (B) Nevertheless
(C) Roughly (D) Similarly
22. (A) officially (B) mutually
(C) universally (D) eventually
25. (A) unlucky (B) illogical
(C) impossible (D) unnecessary
這篇今年才剛考完的學測文章就是理想的「比較與對比」型的文章。文中至少有三題(21, 22, 25)需要考生透過懂得比較與對比的邏輯推論得以找出答案。例如第21題,由於前句提到青鳥被視為吉祥物,空格後表示啄木鳥也是被視為好運的象徵,前者使用“a very lucky sign",後者出現“a good sign"的同義詞,因此答案為(D)Similarly,表「同樣地」。
第22題雖然是詞彙選擇,但是也是透過文意判斷。空格後提到孔雀在印度、中國、日本等地被視為吉祥物,但是隨後又說孔雀在世界其他地區並不受歡迎。第22題空格前的關鍵字眼“in contrast"就是語氣轉折的關鍵,由此推知孔雀並非「普遍」被視為吉祥物,故答案選(C)universally。
文章最後的第25 題,又是考驗考生的邏輯推斷與文意理解。空格後句不斷出現的“evil"與“trouble and sorrow"等字眼,說明孔雀羽毛上的眼睛圖樣容易與「不幸」聯想,故選答案(A)unlucky。
1. I like horror movies _____ (unless, likewise, whereas) my friend prefers comedies.
2. He screamed at her, which was most _____ (like, unlike, such as) him. We were very surprised.
3. It was cold yesterday. _____ (In contrast, Still, On the other hand), it is very hot today.
1. whereas:前後兩者喜歡的物品不同,用whereas 表示「然而」的語氣轉折。
2. unlike:後句寫「我們感到很驚訝」,用unlike表示他表現得「不像」平常的他。
3. in contrast:此句為「昨日天氣寒冷,今天卻很炎熱」。因此用“in contrast"強調「對照之下」的差異。
本期介紹的第八式「曉以厲害」(Comparing andContrasting)不但是英文閱讀文章常出現的文章體裁,更是英文寫作必須知道的基本架構。下回詩綺老師將介紹英文閱讀、聽力的技巧策略第九式「告往知來」(Cause & Effect),下回見。
現職: 國立師大附中英文科教師
學歷: 國立中央大學外文系碩士
經歷: 美國佛羅里達大學訪問學者、國立政大附中英文科教師