







本篇文章中,詩綺老師要介紹大考、多益雙贏秘笈的第九式「告往知來」,也就是英文學習策略裡懂得辨別因果的能力,亦即英文的“Cause and Effect"。這項能力在聽力、閱讀方面皆很重要,例如在短篇對話裡,我們必須藉由一來一往的提問與回應,找出主題的關聯;或者在文章裡頭提及某個事件的發生,我們得藉由內文線索,推敲何者為原因、何者為結果。換句話說,就是要培養自己能夠告往知來,明瞭事物的因果同異關係,據此知彼而順利答題。以下介紹「告往知來」的三大心法如下:
所謂因、果, 就是事件發生的「原因(cause)」,以及事件發生後產生的「結果或後果(effect)」。個別的定義如下:
Cause引發事件發生的原因。若有兩個事件連續產生的話,則指「先發生的事情」。要決定何者為原因,需關注在“Why did ithappen?
Effect事件發生後,產生的後續結果。若是兩者以上的相關事件,則指下一個、或最後一個發生的事情要確定何者為結果,則提問“What happened?
1. The little boy dropped his lollipop and then he started to cry.
2. The dog couldn't come inside the house because he rolled in the mud.
3. The cat hissed when the kid pulled on the tail.
1. CauseThe little boy dropped his lollipop. EffectThe little boy started to cry.
2. CauseThe dog rolled in the mud. EffectThe dog couldn't come inside the house.
3. CauseThe kid pulled the cat's tail. EffectThe cat hissed.
What cause ____ to ____?
What effect did ___ have on ___?
What might happen if ______?
What is the effect of ____?
What are the events that caused _____?
Why does ____ decide to _____?
What were the result of ____?
because (因為…) due to (因為…)
for (因為) owing to (因為)
result from(起因於…) since (因為…)
for this / that reason (就此原因)
that's why (這就是為何…)
as a result (結果…) bring about 導致
cause 導致 if...then (如果…則…)
result in 導致 so that... (因此就…)
therefore (所以) this led to (這導致了…)
consequently, accordingly, thus, (因此) (然後…所以)
Jack came home late.
Jack missed her favorite TV program.
上述兩件事情,我們可知「Jack 晚回家」是原因,而「Jack 錯過電視節目」是後果。因此利用上列各式連接詞語,組合的句子列舉如下:
1. Because Jack came home late, he missed his favorite TV program.
2. Jack came home late; consequently, he missed his favorite TV program.
3. Jack missed his favorite TV program, for he came home late.
WAlex, I can't attend the meeting with our purchasing department this afternoon because I'll be visiting a client. Could you go instead?
MSorry, but I have to finish editing the catalog by tomorrow morning, and those purchasing meetings usually last all afternoon.
WOK, well, maybe I can go see the client this morning, and then be back here in time for this afternoon's meeting.
(題目來源:TOEFL Official Test-Preparation Guide 3, P264
53. Why is the woman unable to attend the meeting?
(A) She has to see a client.
(B) She has to pick up a catalog.
(C) She has a dentist's appointment.
(D) She has to buy some supplies.
55. What does the woman decide to do?
(A) Cancel an appointment
(B) Visit someone earlier than planned
(C) Finish her project tomorrow
(D) Help the man complete his work
1. 女士因要去拜訪客戶,致電請Alex 代為出席會議;
2. Alex 回應自己也有事,無法代替出席;
3. Alex 拒絕,女士只好自己下午趕回公司開會。因此,藉由三位階的因果關係,我們可以清楚辨別第53 題,女士無法參加開會的原因在於她電話一開頭所提的“because",後面陳述的原因是要去拜訪客戶,因此答案為(A)。而第55 題則是當Alex 拒絕後,女士最後的決定,也在她最後一段提到“...gosee the client this morning",故答案為(B)。
另外「告往知來」的因果辨析能力在學測的「綜合測驗」與「閱讀測驗」兩大題,也是重點項目。我們來看看今年104 學年度學測英文的閱讀測驗,一篇介紹泰武國小古謠傳唱隊(the Taiwan ElementarySchool Folk Singers)成立由來的文章,以下藉由題目與文章的對應,對檢測自己因果關係的判讀能力。
Winning international fame, however, was neither the original intention nor the main reason why Camake founded the group in 2006. The most important thing was to make children understand why they sing these songs and to preserve and pass on their culture. Referring to the relocation of Taiwu Elementary School and Taiwu Village following Typhoon Morakot in August 2009, Camake said,We could not take the forest or our house in the mountain with us; but we were able to bring our culture along. As long as the children are willing to sing, I will always be there for them, singing with them and leading them to experience the meaning of the ballads.
44. What did Camake realize after the incident of Typhoon Morakot?
(A) The significance of the relocation of Taiwan Elementary School.
(B) The need to respect nature to avoid being destroyed by it.
(C) The importance of passing on the traditional culture.
(D) The consequence of building houses in the forest.
1. 傳唱隊成立的原因: 不在贏得國際聲譽(international fame),而是讓孩子明白為何而唱,並保存(preserve)和傳承(pass on)自己的文化;
2. 泰武國小在颱風過境後搬遷(relocation)帶來的想法:雖無法帶走房子所在的森林與山,但要把自己的文化帶走。
因此當題目問到Camake 在莫拉克颱風事件後了解到什麼,無論是從傳唱隊成立的原因,以及學校搬遷後的另一層體悟,都聚焦在傳統文化傳承(passingon)的重要性,故答案為(C)。
1. The doctor has warned us that if left untreated, the condition will eventually _____ (result from, lead to) blindness.
2. Anna's book made it to the best-seller list _____ (due to, resulting in) its amusing stories.
3. The angry passengers argued furiously with the airline staff ___ (because, so that) their flight was cancelled without any reason.
(題目來源:104 學測第10 題)
1. lead to 2. due to 3. because
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